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North Carolina Real Estate Exam

Everything you need to know about the real estate license exam in North Carolina.

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Before Scheduling Your North Carolina State Exam

To schedule your North Carolina real estate exam, you must first complete the following steps:

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Registering for the North Carolina Real Estate Exam

Once your application is approved, you will receive an email notification to schedule your state exam. The eligibility period for the exam is 180 days. Failure to take or pass the exam within this timeframe necessitates a reapplication. North Carolina uses Pearson VUE to manage and oversee their real estate license tests.

The exam is available daily at Pearson VUE test centers across North Carolina. To register, call Pearson VUE at 800-745-2627 or visit their website. The fee for taking or retaking the exam is $60.

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Taking the North Carolina Real Estate License Exam

It is strongly recommended to study using real estate practice exams before taking the state test. Exam prep programs and study guides will significantly increase your chances to pass the first time.

You’ll need to travel to a Pearson VUE testing facility in North Carolina to take this test.​ You have 4.5 hours to answer 140 questions. The national portion contains of 80 multiple-choice questions and the state portion consists of 60 multiple-choice questions. The passing score for both sections is 75%.

The examination allocates approximately two minutes per question, offering ample time to thoroughly read and respond to each item. Should you not pass one of the two sections, you are required only to retake the unsuccessful section. This ensures that you do not need to retake both components of the exam. Candidates must wait a minimum of 10 calendar days after failing or missing the licensing examination before they can retake it. Beyond this mandatory waiting period, there is no restriction on the number of attempts a candidate can make within the 180-day eligibility window.

Nort Carolina Real Estate Instructor

One of Fastpass Learning's top instructor, Marc Pare, answers some of the most frequently asked questions about the North Carolina real estate exam.


Q1: Can you take the North Carolina real estate exam online?

The North Carolina Real Estate Commission no longer offers remote testing for the state exam. The North Carolina real estate exam must now be taken in person at a Pearson VUE test center, with locations available throughout North Carolina.

Q2: How many times can you take the real estate exam in North Carolina?

In North Carolina, you can retake the real estate exam as many times as you need within a 180-day eligibility period. However, after a failed or missed exam, you must wait at least 10 days before trying again. You must also pass the exam within three years of completing your NC real estate license course .

Q3: How hard is the North Carolina real estate exam?

To pass the North Carolina real estate exam, a minimum score of 75% is required. This exam tests knowledge of real estate principles and North Carolina laws, not intuitive skills. Study is essential for success.

Q4: How to pass the North Carolina real estate exam?

To successfully pass the North Carolina real estate exam, consistent practice is key. Utilizing exam simulations and flashcards are the most effective study tools for preparation.

Q5: How much is the real estate exam in North Carolina?

The North Carolina real estate exam fee is $60. Additional costs for obtaining a real estate license in North Carolina include fees for the pre-license course, background check, and licensing application.

Q6: How long is the North Carolina real estate exam?

The NC real estate licensing exam must be completed within 4.5 hours. The national section allows 2.5 hours for completion, while the state-specific section has a 2-hour time limit.

Q7: How many questions are on the North Carolina real estate exam?

The North Carolina real estate exam consists of 120 multiple-choice questions. The national portion contains of 80 questions and the state portion consists of 60 questions. 

Q8: Where to take North Carolina real estate exam?

The North Carolina real estate exam is offered daily and must be taken at a Pearson VUE test center. Test centers are located throughout North Carolina.

Q9: What is on the North Carolina real estate exam?

The North Carolina real estate exam real covers real estate principles and practices, real estate law, and real estate mathematics. The examination consists of 140 multiple-choice questions. Candidates are given a total of 4.5 hours to complete the examination.

Q10: What to do after you pass the real estate exam in North Carolina?

Find a Broker-In-Charge: In North Carolina, you must be supervised by a licensed Broker-In-Charge (BIC) to activate your license. It’s important to find a BIC who is not only willing to supervise you but also aligns with your career goals and can provide the support, training, and mentorship you need.

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